Staff Profile

/Dr Pedzisai Kowe

Academic Qualifications

1.Ph.D in Environmental Science (Remote Sensing),  University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

 2.Master of Science in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (Urban Planning and Management), Universityof Twente, The  Netherlands

3.Masters in Environmental Policy and Planning, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

4. Bachelor of Honours in Geography, University of Zimbabwe,  Zimbabwe

Professional Certificates

  1. Certificate in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT),  University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  2. 3rd Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)and 1st IEEE Geoscience and Remote  Sensing Society (GRSS) Instrumentation and Future Technologies Remote  Sensing (IFT-R3S) Certificate, 1-5 July  2019 , Universitá Politecnica de Catalunya   and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona,   Spain 
  3. Certificate in Remote Sensing Applications in South Africa with Focus on Land Degradation, July, 2022, (University of Jena, Germany).
  4. The use of Earth Observation data and geospatial technology to support decision-making in local municipality areas, 11-13 March 2024, South African National Space Agency (SANSA)

Research Interests

  • Urban development, planning and management
  • Spatial interaction modelling, gravity models, transport geography and network analysis
  • Geographic information science;
  • Remote sensing of urban green spaces;
  • Spatial statistics, landscape ecology and vegetation fragmentation mapping and analysing in urban landscapes;
  • Urban climate, urban heat island mitigation;
  • Modelling urban growth pattrns, land cover  and land use change using earth observation data  and geographical information systems;
  • Spatial regression modelling, morphological spatial pattern analysis
  • Smart cities , Non-motorized transport systems, Urban Transportation System


(a) Books

1. Pedzisai Kowe, Cletah Shoko and Steven Jerie., eds. (2023). Advances in GIS and remote sensing the landscape pattern of land cover on urban climate and urban ecology. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-8325-3949-1

(b) Peer Reviewed Research Articles

  1. Kowe Pedzisai, Pedzisai Ezra, Gumindoga Webster, Rwasoka Tendayi Donald,(2014), An analysis of changes in the urban landscape composition and configuration in the Sancaktepe District of Istanbul Metropolitan City, Turkey using landscape metrics and satellite data, Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2014.905638
  2. Ezra Pedzisai, Pedzisai Kowe, Caxton H. Matarira, Anyway Katanha and Ronald Rutsvara (2014), Enhancing Food Security and Economic Welfare Through Urban Agriculture in Zimbabwe, Journal of Food security, 2 (2014), 79-86.
  3. Pedzisai Kowe, Onisimo Mutanga, John Odindi  and Timothy Dube (2022), Impacts of eco-environmental quality, spatial configuration, and landscape connectivity of urban vegetation patterns on seasonal land surface temperature in Harare metropolitan city, Zimbabwe, African Geographical Review, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2022.2117215.
  4. Pedzisai Kowe, Onisimo Mutanga, John Odindi and Timothy Dube, 2019, Exploring the spatial patterns of vegetation fragmentation using local spatial autocorrelation indices, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.13.024523.
  5. Pedzisai Kowe, Onisimo Mutanga, John Odindi and Timothy Dube, 2019, A quantitative framework for analysing long term spatial clustering and vegetation fragmentation in an urban landscape using multi-temporal Landsat data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation,
  6. Pedzisai Kowe, Onisimo Mutanga, John Odindi and Timothy Dube., 2021. Effect of landscape pattern and spatial configuration of vegetation patches on urban warming and cooling in Harare metropolitan city, Zimbabwe. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 58(2), pp.261-280.
  7. Pedzisai Kowe, Onisimo Mutanga and Timothy Dube, 2021. Advancements in the remote sensing of landscape pattern of urban green spaces and vegetation fragmentation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(10), pp.3797-3832.
  8. Pedzisai Kowe, Timothy Dube, Terence Darlington Mushore, Amos Ncube, Tatenda Nyenda, Godfrey Mutowo,Tsikai Solomon Chinembiri, Mamadou Traore and Gokhan Kizilirmak, 2022, Impacts of the spatial configuration patterns of built-up and urban vegetation on land surface temperature using the spectral and local spatial autocorrelation indices, Remote Sensing Letters,13(12),
  9. Tatenda Musungwa and Pedzisai Kowe, 2022, Effects of occupational health and safety management systems implementation in accident prevention at a Harare beverage company, Cogent Engineering,9(1), 2124638, DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2022.2124638
  10. Upenyu Naume Mupfiga, Onisimo Mutanga, Timothy Dube, Pedzisai Kowe, Spatial clustering of forest fire intensity using MODIS satellite data, Atmosphere MDPI,13(12),
  11. Pedzisai Kowe, Elijah Ncube, Webster Gumindoga, Chikumbutso Liwonde, Donald Tendayi Rwasoka, Auther Maviza, James Magidi, Eric Tshitende, Moises de Jesus, (2023), Spatial-temporal variability analysis of water quality based on remote sensing data and methods: A Case study of Lake Manyame, Scientific African,
  12. Tatenda Nyenda, Tenderano Musungwa, Tafadzwa Terrence Piyo, Pedzisai Kowe, Justice Muvengwi, Ed FT Witkowski, (2023), Edaphic and topographic gradients have differential influence on woody species assemblages on serpentine and non-serpentine soils in an African Savanna, Plant and  Soil,
  13. Pedzisai Kowe, Cletah Shoko and  Steven Jerie (2023), Editorial: Advances in GIS and remote sensing the landscape pattern of land cover on urban climate and urban ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11:1308710. https://doi: org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1308710
  14. Amato Chireshe, Pedzisai Kowe, Tapiwa Shabani, Tatenda Musasa,Takunda Shabani, Samuel, B. Moyo, Assessment of ergonomic risks among refuse collectors in municipalities of Harare District, Zimbabwe, Safety in Extreme Environments,
  15. Gumindoga, Webster, Chikumbutso Liwonde, Donald Tendayi Rwasoka, Pedzisai Kowe, Auther Maviza, James Magidi, Lloyd Chikwiramakomo, Moises de Jesus Paulo Mavaringana, and Eric Tshitende., 2024. Urban flash floods modeling in Mzuzu City, Malawi based on Sentinel and MODIS data. Frontiers in Climate, 6, p.1284437.
  16. Gumbo, Elvis Batsirai, Mark Makomborero Matsa, Pedzisai Kowe, Tapiwa Shabani, and Takunda Shabani., 2024. Towards developing a framework to manage mining-induced land degradation in rural areas of Zimbabwe: a review. GeoJournal, 89(4), p.151.
  17. Pedzisai Kowe, James Magidi, Rapport Sango, Julius Musyoka Ndambuki, An evaluation of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Geographic Information Systems in landfill site selection for a small municipal town (237755533), Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, Under revision
  18. Pedzisai Kowe, James Magidi, Moses Masukumi, Julius Musyoka Ndambuki, Spatiotemporal variability of urban land surface temperatures associated with land cover changes in small-medium tropical city, African Geographical Review, (Manuscript ID: 247284104), Under revision
  19. Pedzisai Kowe, James Magidi, Julius Musyoka Ndambuki, A remote sensing aided approach in examining and quantifying the spatial-temporal variations of water quality parameters in Palawani dam in Matebeleland South in Zimbabwe (African Journal of Aquatic Science AJAS-2023-014), Under revision
  20. Webster Gumindoga, Ntando Nondo, Donald Tendayi Rwasoka, Pedzisai Kowe, James Magidi, Aurther Maviza, Lloyd Chikwiarmakomo, Modelling soil erosion hotspots in Manyame Catchment of Zimbabwe, Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ-2023-0607), Under review
  21. Pedzisai Kowe, Steven Jerie, Tapiwa Shabani, Amato CHIRESHE,  Takunda Shabani and Lydia Valet, The effectiveness of iso 9001:2015 quality management system implementation to company’s operations. A case study of Kadoma Paper Mills, Kadoma, Quality & Quantity, (QUQU-D-24-00133), Under review
  22. Pedzisai Kowe, Spencer Nyamuziwa, Amato Chireshe, Leon Poshai, Steven Jerie, Tapiwa Shabani, Takunda Shabani, Shadreck Matindike and John Hove, An examination of the occurrence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDS) and symptoms among small scale construction workers in Windhoek, Namibia, Social Sciences & Humanities Open (SSHO-D-24-00718), Under review

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